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  • Key events for next week: Germany, eurozone and US CPI, UK and Australia unemployment rate, US producer price index, eurozone and Japan GDP, US retail sales
Ekonomické zprávy

Key events for next week: Germany, eurozone and US CPI, UK and Australia unemployment rate, US producer price index, eurozone and Japan GDP, US retail sales

On Monday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will present the National Bank of Australia's business confidence index for April. At 03:00 GMT, New Zealand will announce a change in the inflation expectations for the 2nd quarter. At 07:00 GMT, Switzerland will publish the SECO consumer confidence index for the 2nd quarter. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce a change in construction permits for March. At 22:45 GMT, New Zealand will announce a change in the number of tourists arriving in March. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will release the producer price index for April.

On Tuesday, at 06:00 GMT, Germany will present the consumer price index for April. In addition, at 06:00 GMT, Britain will report changes in applications for unemployment benefits for April, as well as average wages and unemployment rates for March. At 06:30 GMT, Switzerland will release the producer and import price index for April. At 09:00 GMT, Germany and the eurozone will publish the ZEW Institute business sentiment index for May. At 12:00 GMT, OPEC's monthly oil market report will be released. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce a change in wholesale sales for March. Also at 12:30 GMT, the United States will present the producer price index for April.

On Wednesday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will release the wage index for the 1st quarter. At 06:45 GMT, in France, the consumer price index for April will be released. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will announce changes in GDP and employment for the 1st quarter, as well as industrial production for March. At 12:15 GMT, Canada will announce a change in the housing starts for April, and at 12:30 GMT - the volume of manufacturing sales for March. Also at 12:30 GMT, the United States will release the consumer price index for April and announce changes in retail sales for April. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will publish the NAHB housing market index for May and report changes in business inventories for March. At 14:30 GMT, the United States will announce changes in crude oil inventories over the past week. At 20:00 GMT, the United States will announce a change in the total and net volume of purchases of American securities by foreign investors for March. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will report a change in GDP for the 1st quarter.

On Thursday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce changes in the unemployment rate and the number of people employed for April. At 04:30 GMT, Japan will report a change in industrial production for March. At 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce changes in housing starts and the number of building permits for April, as well as release the Philly Fed manufacturing index for May and the import price index for April. Also at 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce a change in the number of initial applications for unemployment benefits over the past week. At 13:15 GMT, the United States will announce a change in industrial production for April. At 22:45 GMT, New Zealand will present the producer price index for the 1st quarter.

On Friday, at 02:00 GMT, China will announce changes in fixed asset investments, industrial production and retail sales for April. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will release the consumer price index for April. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce a change in the foreign securities purchases for March. At 17:00 GMT, in the United States, the Baker Hughes oil rig count report will be released

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