The basis for calculating trading volume is all transactions made using the client’s own funds on all assets.
Bonus funds are not taken into account when calculating trading volume.
The unit of measurement for trading volume is 1 lot of reduced volume (Vr).
1 lot of the given volume is equal to $100,000 of the client’s own funds in the nominal value of the trading operation.
For example, trading operations with a nominal volume of $50,000 and $200,000 will be equal to 0.5 and 2.0 lots of the given volumerespectively.
The nominal value of a trading operation is calculated using the formula Pr*V*Cs, where: Pr is the price of the asset in relation to the US dollar at the time of opening the trading position.
V is the volume of the trading operation
Cs is the standard size of a trading operation, equal to 1 lot
The ratio of the amount of the client’s own funds to all funds in the account is determined through the coefficient Q, the value of which is calculated using the formula C/(C+B), where:
C is the amount of the client’s own funds in the account
B is the amount of bonus funds on the client’s account provided by the company
The following formulas are used to calculate the resulted volume:
For currency pairs:Vr=V*Cs*Pr/100000*Q
Vr - a lot of resulted volume
V - volume of the trading operation
Cs - standard size of the trading operation equal to 1 lot
Pr - the price of the asset in relation to the US dollar at the time of opening a trading position
100000 - size of the contract
Q - ratio of the client's own funds to funds provided by the company.
For all other assetsVr=V*Cs*Mp*Pr/100000*Q
Vr - a lot of resulted volume
V - volume of the trading operation
Cs - standard size of the trading operation equal to 1 lot
Mp - market price of the asset at the timeof opening a trading positon
Pr - the price of the asset in relation to the US dollar at the time of opening a trading position
100000 - size of the contract
Q - ratio of the client's own funds to funds provided by the company.